Some of our winners from the Regatta, taken by Karen Langston.
Please find our post-Regatta newsletter from the Commodore below.
Sailing carries on:
Saturday 14th. August
Series C. This is a five week programme with starts for fast handicaps, Norfolks, slow handicaps (Toppers and Fevas) and Optimists. the first sequence of starts is at 14.00.
The full programme is on the card and can be seen on the website.
Wednesday 18th. August.
The club will open for informal sailing on Wednesday 18th, Friday 20th, Wednesday 25th, and Friday 27th. from 18.00 to 20.00. If you want to take out a club boat or just sit by the river and chat please come along.
Saturday 4th. September
Broadland Youth regatta is on Wroxham Broad on Saturday 4th September. open to all sailors under 19 on the day. If you haven’t signed up yet please let Hugh know asap so we can make a team entry. There will be no series racing at Beccles on that day.
Sunday 19th September.
Double hander event at Beccles first race 11.00 open to all two person boats, except Norfolks.
Broaden your skills by sailing on a Broad:
August 22nd - 27th
Oulton Week. Full programme on the WOBYC website or pick up a programme at the club. There are starts for Optimists, Slow Handicap, Fast Handicap and Norfolks.
Saturday 25th September
Norfolk Championships (90th year) at NBYC Wroxham. It would be great to see as many of the Beccles fleet there as possible on this historic occasion.