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BASC Subcommittees

To see the full membership of each sub-committee, please visit our Members page.

Sailing Subcommittee

Decides upon our race programme, ensures handicaps are up to date, reviews BASC's sailing rules, promotes participation on the water, organises prizes.


Lead member: Duncan  Braidwood

Training Subcommittee

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Organises our annual ten-week Sailing School programme and encourages the development of sailing skills, particularly amongst juniors.


Lead member: Hugh Braidwood

Social Subcommittee

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Organises various social events throughout the year, from our annual prize-giving 'Dinner Dance' to summer barbecues.


Lead member: George Folkard

Maintenance Subcommittee

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Coordinates all maintenance and safety related jobs at BASC, from staining the clubhouse to arranging the servicing of our rescue boats.


Bosun: Paul Johnson

Regatta Subcommittee


Organises, plans and coordinates our annual August open regatta.



Lead member: Karl Porter

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