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Regatta Evening Program, 2023

All forms are now on the website - go to the bottom of the resources page.

There are 5 forms in total, covering different aspects.

1. The BASC Open Entry Form - For visitors to the club to enter the Open Series.

2. The Regatta Entry Form - Covering all the races - pick and choose your races in this form.

3. The Social Evening Form - Give us an idea of how many people we will be catering for and will also highlight some of the evening meals and fun we have. This covers the four days.

4. The Lunch Form – to ensure those who require lunch and are out on the water when it’s being served are catered for. This covers the four days.

5. The camping and mooring form - we have access to the field next to the club for camping and caravans - come and join the fun!

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